Join Atlas
We are looking for scientists and engineers to join our team!
Technical requirements
- Software engineering experience with a Lisp family language.
- Experience with Git (rebasing, cherry picking, squashing, conflict resolution).
- Comfortable working with and reading the source code of others.
- Precise software documentation and issue reporting skills.
- Good writing skills.
Non-technical requirements
- Ability to work independently.
- Strong critical thinking skills.
- Empathy for unique and conflicting perspectives.
- Code and structure aesthetics are important.
- A strong work ethic.
How to apply
Please send an email to "" with your curriculum vitae, salary expectations, and a cover letter.
How the process works
- You submit an application.
- We will contact you with a request for an interview.
- We will ask you to submit a pull request for a (real) issue in our source code.
- We will invite you for a one month trial period (paid). The purpose of month long trial period is to determine whether we can work well together.
- At the conclusion of the trial period, we will decide if we can proceed.
How we work
We work completely asynchronously. Our main communication channels are Email, GitHub, and IRC.
We have one audio meeting per week (lasting roughly an hour). During this meeting we discuss what we are working on next, challenges we're facing, and anything else.
What matters to us
- We are focused on producing high quality products.
- We are committed to open source software.
- We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users.
- We are committed to empowering our users.
If any of the above resonates with you, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you :-)