2021-08-13, updated: 2024-03-12

Tags: feature.

Use QR to Transfer URLs to your phone

Use QR to Transfer URLs to your phone

By John Mercouris

Users who are invested into the iOS/Safari or Android/Chrome ecosystem may be used to features such as "handoff". These features allow users to send a URL from their computer to their phone and vice versa.

Unfortunately, these services use a "cloud" provider to send the URL. Nyxt offers a simpler, more private solution. Let's try it!

First, find a cool URL you would like to load on your phone. In this case we're looking at Baldwin Street in Dunedin New Zealand, the officially recognized steepest street in the world.

Then, we execute show-qrcode-of-current-url.

After, we'll be presented with our fresh, locally generated QR code:

We just scan this on our phone, and we are off to the races!

Thanks for reading :-)


Nyxt continues to be a community effort and we are regularly inspired by our wonderful users! This work would not be possible without the creativity/idea of Karl Voit and the initial QR code implementation by @ag91. Thank you both very much!

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