2022-03-08, updated: 2023-11-30

Tested with Nyxt 3.0.0.

Tags: feature, video.

Welcome to the Nyxt Academy!

Welcome to the Nyxt Academy!

By Pedro Delfino

The origin: an amateurish prototype

Since the first years, Nyxt has had written content. For this year, the team decided to try a new strategy for spreading our knowledge: producing audiovisual material via a YouTube channel!

The first attempt was not an institutional one. It was a prototype delivered via my personal YouTube account. Using a bad microphone, no edits, a one-take approach, and rusty English, I recorded a video describing "What is Nyxt?" on a conceptual level from my naive eyes.

Surprisingly, in less than eight months, this amateurish video reached 1,000 views, 40 likes, and two comments. All completely organically. In addition, according to YouTube's analytic tool, 85% of the viewers arrived from YouTube Search - which showed an organic interest in this kind of content.

Institutional, yes - but still a beginner

After some debate, we decided to invest more in this approach. Using a better design (but still with the "Do It Yourself" cyberpunk attitude) and a reasonable microphone, the first video of the official YouTube channel was released: How to take notes in the Nyxt browser?

Initially, the video was not a big hit. Posted only as a video on HN (Hacker News), it attracted 0 comments and received 1 point for the submission (apparently, the default).

Two weeks later, I embedded the video in a new article called: Nyxt annotations beat pen and paper, believe me. Surprisingly, the reception on HN was quite different. The new post attracted 166 upvotes and 46 comments. According to HN' search engine provided by Algolia, this is the 3rd most upvoted content about Nyxt on HN 1. Moreover, the views on YouTube overcame 4,000.

Despite the evolution, there is still a big mountain to climb. Recording audio/video is hard. Even tougher is editing it.

Audiovisual content rocks

In case someone might be wondering what the Nyxt Academy is, what it is not, and what are the objectives behind it, check out the new video:

It would be cool to receive feedback from our community. Especially about what should the new videos be about and how to improve the material. In case you have an idea, just send an email to pedro@atlas.engineer.

Stay tuned and may the power of Nyxt be with you!

    • Take into account the renaming process undergone around a year

    ago from nEXT to Nyxt.

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